Herbal First Aid Remedies
These first aid remedies are the ones you will reach for most often. Make sure they are ready to go in your first aid kit at all times.
On-demand video plus text lectures
Introduction to Herbal First Aid
Which Teas are the Most Essential
Ingredients for Teas
The Details of Making a Medicinal Tea
Powders are Versatile Healers
Alternative to Emergen-C
You Will be Grateful for Yarrow Powder
My Favorite Tinctures and Liniments
Making Kloss's Liniment
What Essential Oils are Worth Putting into the Frist-aid Kit
List of Essential Oils
Make a Lavender Spray
Two Gels and an Oil Most Beneficial and Most Versatile
Effective Remedies from Your Kitchen
Why and How to Best Use Garlic
Types of First Aid Kits
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